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Networking Stories & Talks

What are the essential skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur?

Business skills you should ace no matter what your major is

The Opportunity You've Always Wanted is Just a Click Away

Discover Study & Volunteering Opportunities with Erasmus+

Discover the Online Learning Platform of Kiron Campus

Start & Operate Your Own Home-Based Business

Getting Most out of LinkedIn

Innovation and Digitalisation of the labour market: Interview with Alumni entrepreneurs

Innovation and Digitalisation of the labour market: Labour market is now digital

Innovation and Digitalisation of the labour market: Innovation and entrepreneurship

Labour market needs and regulations beyond boundaries

Career development and improving career prospects: Increasing Employability

Career development & improving career prospects: How to better write a CV in English

Career development and improving career prospects: Creativity to land and maintain a job

Higher Education & the labour market between needs & realities

About INJAZ and its programmes and the importance of trainings

About SE Factory and the importance of computer science and programming

The Ins & Outs of Studying in Europe

Social entrepreneurship & integration of people with disabilities into education & the labor market

International employment opportunities and pathways

Stress management tools

Find your opportunity on for9a.com

Scholarships and alumni motivation

Stand out in a competitive labour market

Employment services at Luminus Academy and practical advice on preparing for the labour market

Scholarships & alumni support in the region

Scholarships, alumni support and beyond

How to conquer the challenges that graduates face to enter the labour market

Where are they now?

Your Journey from Higher Education to the Labor Market

Your Journey from Graduation to Building a Career

Get Ready for the Labour Market

Explore the World of Job Opportunities

The EU Regional Network of Alumni & Young Professionals Is Now Launched